Monday 3 January 2011

College isn't the place to go for ideas - Helen Keller

3rd January 2011

I think what Helen Keller said has some meaning, truth, behind it. Today, I am on my educational journey and writing essays for my degree course. Not to say this isn't exciting, it is, but I can't help but feel my degree is going to end up being a waste of time, effort and money in my field.

When I applied for the course, the intention was to use it for my personal betterment. I love learning, a thrive in an enviornment where I am knuckled down with a textbook and am filling my brainmatter with information which I can use in my everyday life. Especially psychology, I'm fascinated by it.

However, since starting my course I've had a significant birthday which has made me take my head out of the clouds. I'm not a little girl with a big dream anymore, I'm an adult woman at the beginning of a very long career path and that path is currently leading into some deep dark woods. And it's scary. And I'm genuinely scared about the future. I know what I want, I know how to get it and that how-to doesn't necassarily involve my degree...

Maybe I'm just having a bad day.

Saturday 1 January 2011

The beginning is the most important part of the work - Plato

January 1st 2011

I'm not sure how much of an audience there is for this blog. I'm not even sure I want this blog to be read. However, I'm putting it out there and if it inspires or helps or interests even one person then I guess this is a good start.

This is a blog about my journey as a young person working in mental health. A young person doing a university course. A young person who volunteers her time to worthy causes. A young professional trying to muddle her way through to the beginnings of her dream career. In the interests of confidentiality I'll never mention names, specific places etc. I'd get fired from my job if it was too obvious who I am or where I work and volunteer. 

I guess I'd better introduce myself! I'm a female in my 20s. I work in a small residential home for people who live with schizophrenia. This houses nine individuals who recieve 24-7 care. I'm attending a Health and Social Care degree, having completed A Levels a few years ago and a Psychology Diploma. I hold two voluntary positions: one on a helpline for people in distress and one assisting young mental health carers. I aspire to work with young people who have live with mental health illness.

So this blog is mainly my way of charting my progress toward becoming my ideal self over the foreseeable future. I hope that someone, somewhere, might read this blog and take something from it.