Monday 3 January 2011

College isn't the place to go for ideas - Helen Keller

3rd January 2011

I think what Helen Keller said has some meaning, truth, behind it. Today, I am on my educational journey and writing essays for my degree course. Not to say this isn't exciting, it is, but I can't help but feel my degree is going to end up being a waste of time, effort and money in my field.

When I applied for the course, the intention was to use it for my personal betterment. I love learning, a thrive in an enviornment where I am knuckled down with a textbook and am filling my brainmatter with information which I can use in my everyday life. Especially psychology, I'm fascinated by it.

However, since starting my course I've had a significant birthday which has made me take my head out of the clouds. I'm not a little girl with a big dream anymore, I'm an adult woman at the beginning of a very long career path and that path is currently leading into some deep dark woods. And it's scary. And I'm genuinely scared about the future. I know what I want, I know how to get it and that how-to doesn't necassarily involve my degree...

Maybe I'm just having a bad day.

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